Friday, July 13, 2018

The disgusting thing: "RAPE"

Thinking about the word "rape" alone makes me angry, so I decided that this will be the first issue I'll look into. Rape is a very disgusting thing to do either to a girl or boy, yes, we actually have rare cases of girls raping boys and because it is a girl that is on the preying end doesn't make it right.

I believe that no one, absolutely nobody deserves to be raped no matter what the person has done. I'll be talking on the issue of rape. Rape is an unjustified act and I believe that those who force anyone into having sexual relations with them should also in turn be raped by seven demons.

When a girl says no, stop, i'm not in the mood or whatever other thing that shows her lack of interest in sex, STOP IT, because whatever you do afterwards would be counted as rape. Some might not even say anything but their body language has said it all that they are not interested.

It's even more disgusting that some people blame the victims for being raped by saying such thing like "why did she wear that cloth", "what was she doing with the guy?", "why was she alone with the guy?", "why couldn't she defend herself?" and every other accusations trying to point away from the criminal, and to me those trying to justify this evil deed should are even worse than the rapists.

"Why did she wear that cloth?" This question irritates me the most out of every other question asked to justify rape. There is no crime in trying to dress to make yourself feel good, my dressing should not affect your thinking and most importantly my dressing should not mean my consent. Those who rape girls on the concept of their dressing are those that go around shirtless and sagging yet no one rapes them, they show off part of their bodies that are meant to be covered yet no one is calling them prostitutes or forcefully taking what is meant to be given from them. 

"What was she doing with a guy" "What was she doing alone with a guy?" These two questions are as dumb as every other question justifying sexual assault. For instance in my country if a girl should pronounce herself as a lesbian she is insulted and distanced same goes for guys, so how to you expect a man and a woman to get married knowing they are right for each other if they are not even allowed to meet without the fear of either party being raped. Even if there is no romantic relationship shouldn't human beings be allowed to communicate for the sake of humanity or any other thing. This leads to a lot of women not trusting any guy they meet because they are trying to prevent themselves from an unjust act. If someone trusts you, you shouldn't be foolish to let your sexual desires ruin that beautiful thing called TRUST.

"Why couldn't they defend themselves?" Yeah all of a sudden it's her fault because she couldn't push off someone that's probably way weighty than her. This question is often said to the guys that end up as victims. It's not their faults that everything happened so fast that at a point you didn't know it was happening. It's not their fault that the person that they trusted or someone they have never met decided to force them into anything and it's also not their faults that they couldn't defend themselves.
Stop justifying rape but rather protest against it.
No one deserves to be raped. Let it stop. RAPE.